SO... i log on here to edit- not that a single person cares- but i left KALINDA video up- but please Visit MIKES YOUTUBE Video in person he is the true talent of posting the video!!!
SO i log on or TRY TO and GOOGLE REDIRECTS and asks for a phone number and stops me from accessing my account.... the jackass who invented Facebook has said there is no such thing as PRIVACY.. or to that effect.. i say fuck all that.............sadly to be plugged into these sites= GOOGLE the largest monopoly aside from Zuckerberg's facebook...
so many old friends (and people i will now never know) have been sicked into the vortex of Facebook -
-***** you know when your real life old friends will ONLY TALK to you is ON FACEBOOK something is wrong with the social construct- i can not call this progress -
- The Elderly WILL NOT BE less isolated if some silly woman on that TV ad gets them to connect on facebook or the likes...
Well I AM not giving Google my goddamn phone number so they can fuck off and yes they may block me from their little program that i have posted my personal content- ownership of words and photos or videos (my own anyway) and i will lose control here..
this as well as the new YAHOO MAIL opening Data Mining our emails and Proudly sharing with 3rd parties is a dangerous precedent - there is no going back on these electronic frontiers - very few brave souls have ditched facebook - no one wants to go back to before - but i miss the 1980's....... (I do love my microwave oven)
and what do i have to bend over for..... to keep my blog?