so..... here is my quicky art for Califorication too.... i figured why not throw it on here... its slop..but i had fun for the first time in a year or more... that is the best thing is to do something not just wait to die- which is what i have been doing- since 2009-
SO.... there are lots of hard core Breaking Bad fans like myself- and since it take them a full year or more to release the dvd of the most recent series..why i can not explain.. i grabbed a few pix and compiled a mock up of a custom cover to go in a 3 disc dvd case/box i got a the dollar type store and this- if printed out to full 11" would fit-
its a quicky so not critique my graphic design on this one... it was just so i could put my DVD's i recorded off of TV into a case and know where they are.... and that's all its good for.... i do not clam copyright ownership to any images- they came from goooogle search- smash and grab..
SO... i log on here to edit- not that a single person cares- but i left KALINDA video up- but please Visit MIKES YOUTUBE Video in person he is the true talent of posting the video!!!
SO i log on or TRY TO and GOOGLE REDIRECTS and asks for a phone number and stops me from accessing my account.... the jackass who invented Facebook has said there is no such thing as PRIVACY.. or to that effect.. i say fuck all that.............sadly to be plugged into these sites
= GOOGLE the largest monopoly aside from Zuckerberg's facebook...
so many old friends (and people i will now never know) have been sicked into the vortex of Facebook - -***** you know when your real life old friends will ONLY TALK to you is ON FACEBOOK something is wrong with the social construct- i can not call this progress -
- The Elderly WILL NOT BE less isolated if some silly woman on that TV ad gets them to connect on facebook or the likes...
Well I AM not giving Google my goddamn phone number so they can fuck off and yes they may block me from their little program that i have posted my personal content- ownership of words and photos or videos (my own anyway) and i will lose control here..
this as well as the new YAHOO MAIL opening Data Mining our emails and Proudly sharing with 3rd parties is a dangerous precedent - there is no going back on these electronic frontiers - very few brave souls have ditched facebook - no one wants to go back to before - but i miss the 1980's....... (I do love my microwave oven)
and what do i have to bend over for..... to keep my blog?
(also called: KALINDA: Up to Bat- bewared the vid on the CBS home page may expire if you happen to search for it there) KALINDA (played by Archana "Archie" Panjabi) Just ROCKS The Good Wife- An already hot drama, CBS was smart enough to buy; and the second season is Blowing people out of the water - or so I read in comments viewers write.... MS. Panjabi (KALINDA) is beautiful and supremely intelligent, Sly and so many more words... of an Investigator for 'The Firm'. She always finds her clues and evidence needed to win that case for Mrs. Florrick (Juliana Margulies) And thus; make her the shining Associate. This week in midst of the program a beautiful piece of Micheal Mann era inspired music and video was inserted into our plot. (a total distraction from everything suddenly for me, I might add) It was like having cheesecake while still eating the salad - except I want more of the both the salad and the rest of the meal- Actually 'Sons Of Anarchy' on FX in same time slot, is doing something very similar yet for different reasons and appetites. If Micheal Mann had not done Miami Vice in the early 1980's would we have the impact of music so powerfully woven in our TV and Film as we do now? If you were not contemporary with and when the Vice series was on, hindsight might skew your answer as to when this convergence of music and film would have happened. (with the morons that Now and have been running ''MTV" and the now, extinct music video genre gone... Perhaps 2 or more generations of young folks have not felt the passion of seeing an Alice In Chains video from 1992 or anything similar on regular cable TV) But; One needs only to glance back at the film HEAT[1995] (yes by Michael Mann) and the Scene where Al Pacino gets out of the chopper and chases down Robert De Niro - the most incredible guitar riff... is an adrenaline interlude to the two of them meeting on the side of the freeway. It is song called "New Dawn Fades"Moby's amazing interpretation of the Joy Division tune; simply stuns those of us who love what is- Drop D electric guitar music.... I digress from... THE GOOD WIFE Tuesday night... KALINDA and her baseball bat, the car radio and those sunglasses. What is cleaver about the piece, is the car alarm sound: all the while Kalinda is cool and graceful as she performs her task..... listen to find out why. Well; BRAVO to Kalinda (Archie) and who ever filmed and edited the episode. AND a special thanks to Mike who posted this to YouTube tonight!
* Please Note:There are more facets to a Micheal Mann film than just my singular reference to how music was used, in what i feel to be a ground breaking series that was Miami Vice. It was the era of MTV and Music Videos, the term "VJ" was coined for those first (and last) Video Jockey hosts, of the variegated and transformative era and mediums. In no way is my excited reference to Mann's "Vice" totally correct or accurate as would be seen by students of Mann, and those of film theory and cinema studies. They are just my own influences taken from that era in South Florida itself as well as the TV Series and films created in the historical context of that decade that gave us a rich source of inspiration and transition to whatever has? supplanted Post Modernism.... some call it"Digimodernism"
It amazes me that my work and successes can be deconstructed into a series of a social worker's comments (MAYBE IT SHOULD NOT ?) and - what appeared to Me to be; Harsh yet, pointless questions. (Unless your objective is to further denigrate someone (ME) trying to make it work and not go deeper into debt)
I was told by a learned friend, that social programs like this: "set you up to fail" If that basic premise of this is true, then I HAVE truly wasted the last year of my dog; Sparkie's life... fretting and working. Filled at times with months of anxiety and distress... all the while my best friends' life was counting down like a ticking clock ...literally!!!!!!!!!! And so she passed and I have lost her love and gift her life with me. With solid regret in these last months since MAY: of toil and distress, to do as much as I can for this "Social Program" (doing my part ?) I once believed was trying to help me get back to a level of "FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE"A PHRASE I HAVE REPEATED OVER AND OVER AS MY OBJECTIVE- and with an urgency since MAY of 2008; that I made clear to ALL INVOLVED at that time, was that I make this happen- AND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!
BUT NO...NO ONE:listened to me or took my advice from all the hours and days of research and wasted ink on wasted paper, that occupy BOXES that are IN MY WAY now!
Meanwhile my Dog was giving me her last months, weeks; and EVERY minute she could squeeze out of her life for ME! (and That "life" is a story in itself!)
SO here is a picture of a new REDcamera announced just a couple of days after her passing. Let this picture of the"NEWEST Little RED CAMERA" be a tribute to the; purely wasted time and effort on my part to become a viable, self employed Woman with vast talents.... has hardly been just about' a little red camera'; but 'a Place of my own': the kind of place Virgina Woolf ('A Room of One's Own') explained in 1929.
And yet, A Real SPACE of my own, to LIVE and make my "MEANS OF PRODUCTION" run smoothly and generate that "FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE" that I deserve:JUST LIKE THE LITTLE RED CAMERA IN HER ESSAY: "The essay examines whether women were capable of producing work of the quality of ...."MEN"......., amongst other topics". Locally, I struggle against this Bull Shit notion in the art community everyday;And a HINT: THE MEN WIN- every time. Why do you think that is? ...especially IF: Women (or A Woman) is/are in a place of power to make a difference?????